Airport, Store, Bus, Event, Doctor's Office ... You Name It

ODDS ARE somebody is EXHALING something you
DO NOT want to be INHALING.


OR you can boost with QZQ® before, during, after you're exposed.

QZQ® BOOST = Your Immune System's Armor


The short answer

QZQ® BOOST delivers powerful components clinically shown to support your lung cells and immune cells that protect you naturally against microbe invasion.

So you can go out there, and do what you do!

Why the components in QZQ® BOOST?

What are the components in QZQ® BOOST? 

Why Quercetin?

Quercetin is a powerful plant-derived bioflavonoid antioxidant.

This little molecular wonder helps:

  • Facilitate ZINC transport into your cells. Technically, quercetin is a zinc ionophore. (See below Why Zinc? for why you want ZINC to get into your cells.)
  • Empower your immune system to manufacture defense cells faster — and those protective cells are more powerful and capable. 

Also quercetin, itself, does cell protective duty: blocking viruses from entering cells; helping reduce inflammation, promoting heart health AND quercetin is an anti-diabetic.
Wellness Bell™ puts high concentrations of therapeutic grade quercetin in QZQ® for optimum effectiveness.

Now, that’s just the first Q in QZQ® BOOST.

Why Zinc?

Zinc, the centerpiece of QZQ® is amazing! (More? See Research)

Zinc is a solidly scientifically proven component for ramping up the immune system's defenses! When Zinc's in short supply, your immune response can be delayed, weak and incomplete.

A short list of Zinc's immuno benefits: 

  • Empowers many of your immune system's protective enzymes
  • Inhibits viruses from binding and infecting your cells
  • Strengthens your lungs and helps them clear “litter” (like virus particles) from cell surfaces inside your lungs
  • Tightens cell-to-cell junctures against microbial infiltration
  • Helps repair damaged lungs cells
  • Tamps down negative over-inflammation of immune response.

Zinc, the centerpiece of QZQ® is amazing! (More? See Research)

Why Quinine?

Quinine of QZQ® is extracted from Cinchona bark and, like the first Q in QZQ® BOOST, this second Q is also a powerful zinc ionophore, bringing beneficial ZINC ions into your cells. (Cinchona extract supplies a rich variety of natural chemical cousins of hydroxychloroquine.)

Also quinine, itself, promotes anti-inflammatory responses, shielding your cells.

Besides QZQ's Quercetin and ZINC and Quinine, QZQ® BOOST also contains Vitamins C, D and E—along with l-lysine, green tea extract (EGCG), as well as extracts of immune-boosting mushrooms.

Backed By Research

Read the landmark scientific research study (approaching 100,000 views/downloads) on QZQ® BOOST components being used with clinically demonstrated success during the height of the first U.S. wave of COVID-19.

We would love to hear from you if you have comments or questions regarding the landmark research
or the remarkable QZQ® BOOST immune enhancing supplement.

Send Message Here

Buy QZQ® Boost Immune Defense

Once you're familiar with the science behind QZQ®, consider what life would be like living with confidence wherever you travel, work, commute, shop, vacation and live. Who else do you know who would benefit from extra immune power? Let them know about QZQ®!

Numerous studies demonstrate that ingredients of QZQ® BOOST:**

• Support development/function of immune system components
• Maintain cells’ natural barriers against attack
• Enhance lung cells’ normal healthy clearance of microscopic surface litter
• Contribute to normal balancing of immune system’s inflammation response
• Help promote optimal cardiovascular function


    • Supports normal development and function of immune system cells

    • Powers/activates dozens of protective enzymes

    • Inhibits viral binding to cell membrane receptors

    • Inhibits viral replication in cells

    • Enhances lung cells’ mechanical clearance of surface “litter” such as virus particles

    • Tightens cell-to-cell junctures against microbial infiltration

    • Helps repair virus-damaged lung cells

    • Tamps down inflammatory immune responses


    • Enhances importation of zinc into cells, increasing intracellular Zn+2 concentration

    • Blocks viruses from entering cells

    • Reduces inflammation

    • Promotes cardiovascular health 

    • Serves as anti-diabetic agent


    • Enhance importation of zinc into cells, increasing intracellular Zn+2 concentration

    • Elicit anti-inflammatory response

  • NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in these testimonial videos are those of the speakers describing their personal experiences, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Wellness Bell LLC.

  • Jeff H.

  • Kelly D.

  • Stephen H.

  • Quwante W.

  • Wendy P.

  • Florence B.

  • Stacy W.

  • Douglas W.

  • Nicole


    See Testimonials Page for these and many additional testimonials.

    Once you experience the effectiveness of QZQ® Boost, you'll find it to be indispensable for you and your family. Please send us a testimonial once you do!


Always keep QZQ® BOOST on hand for yourself and your loved ones. Many have reported that taking QZQ® BOOST daily has helped them avoid "going viral." The ingredients of QZQ® BOOST support general health and a stronger immune system.**


**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.