
Customers report that QZQ® BOOST supplements are affording them protection against widely circulating viral illnesses.
(Please note: Testimonials present reports/views/opinions of individuals, not necessarily of Wellness Bell LLC.)

  • Grant F. (NY)

    I've been feeling great these past 3 months of consistently taking QZQ® supplements.

  • Geoffrey C. (OH)

    I've been taking QZQ® BOOST as a supplement for the last month or so, and I just told my doctor that it has made a vast improvement in my general health.

  • Jerry L. (NY)

    Pretty sure it's the supplement that's kept me and my wife virus free even during and following extended visits with the grandchildren. Those visits used to be pretty much guaranteed sickness time bombs for us.

  • John R. (ID)

    After an extended multi-week illness, I started taking the QZQ® supplements. Finally, the illness tapered, and my health returned. I attribute the change to QZQ® supplementation. Now, I keep a jar on hand and take it regularly to keep my wife's and my immune systems stronger. Any bug that hits is mild and quickly recovered from. Thank you!

  • Your Testimonial!

    We'd be thrilled to feature your testimonial in this spot. Just send us a short description of your experience with QZQ® BOOST supplements via the Contact page. Before we post it here, we'll send back to you an anonymized and possibly lightly edited version for your approval.

  • Roger W. (OH)

    I've had flu in the past - kind of bad. But now I've been taking the QZQ® and I haven't had flu or anything. It seems to be helping with my immune system.

See further below for video testimonials of QZQ® BOOST customers' experiences with the supplement.

  • Jim B., retired infectious disease physician (FL)

    To the Study authors:

       My wife and I had our scheduled dental cleanings and, the very next day, my wife received a call from the dental office informing us that the dental hygienist had tested positive for COVID, likely from her 9 yr old daughter who also had COVID. I immediately recalled your [July 2021] article, then I researched another article as well on quercetin and Vitamin C from June 2020.

       So I quickly began assembling your recommended regimen especially since both of us, not youngsters anymore, were at high risk for COVID, even though we had undergone full immunizations back in February 2021. There was no difficulty in obtaining all of the OTC items [OTC: over-the-counter, no prescription required]--except that all the local pharmacies and even Walmart were out of quercetin. We finally found it at a local health food store that evening. Anyhow we began the regimen that very evening, day 1 after our very close dental hygienist exposure, and are now days later still with no COVID symptoms. 

       I just wanted to tell you that story, especially since I had just read your article the day before going to the dentist and getting exposed. Thanks again for the article, please keep me informed of the progress to manufacture the OTC regimen as an all-in-one supplement. 

  • Charlotte G. (Canada)

    To truly help yourself and those you love, start on OTC vitamins+zinc to prevent infection and severe COVID-19 and to build the immune system. For more on the OTC protocol, see: https://t.co/kvTW11OKvt Even when others all around me were getting really sick with COVID, I was on the protocol and stayed healthy---and, when I did finally get COVID, I had only mild symptoms and recovered quickly.

In the video testimonials below, individuals report their experiences with QZQ® BOOST. These testimonials present the views and opinions of the individuals, not necessarily of Wellness Bell LLC.

  • Jeff H.

  • Quwante W.

  • Wendy P.

  • Florence B.

  • Douglas W.

  • Al H.

  • Sarah M.

  • Terri B.

  • Madeline S.

  • Shirley T.

  • Tammy F.

  • Carol C.

  • Terri W.

  • Wilhemina P.

  • Shirley T.

  • Stephen H.

  • Kelly D.

  • Nicole