We’d love to answer your questions! Use the CONTACT page to send us your questions.

Q: What’s the recommended daily amount of QZQ® BOOST?

A: Recommended: Two (2) capsules each and every day for steady maintenance of healthy immune response. (If you’re running low on QZQ® BOOST and your new order isn’t arriving for a few days, try one per day or even less frequently, until the new order arrives.)

Q: What does the BEST BY date on the bottle mean practically?

A: Our BEST BY date conservatively estimates until when your QZQ® IMMUNE BOOST should be 100% potent.  Practically, you can add at least six months to the date.  And even 12-18 months, for 95-90% potency. [IMPORTANT NOTE: Some bottles with BEST BY 2024 dates have improperly printed years that look like 2021, way before production of QZQ® even began. Rest assured, that if the year looks like 2021, it's actually 2024.]

Q: Must QZQ® BOOST be taken with food?

A: The QZQ® BOOST capsules can be taken with or without food. But do have some liquid (water, juice, etc.) with the capsules to aid in complete swallowing. While maximum benefit of zinc seems to be had on an empty stomach (about 2 hours before/after closest meal), if you know--or find out--that you're sensitive that way to zinc, by all means have at least a small meal beforehand.

Q: Can I take both my daily QZQ® BOOST capsules together at one time?

A: You can take both your daily QZQ® BOOST capsules together at one time, but it’s recommended to spread the intake over the day; for example, with one capsule in the morning and one in the evening. (If you’re taking more than two capsules, it’s also recommended to distribute them over your day.)

Q: I live outside the U.S. How can I get QZQ®?

A: For now, WellnessBell™ is only accepting U.S. orders and shipping U.S. domestically.  Suggestion: Rely on a U.S.-based friend/relative to order for you and then ship to you.  Given non-domestic shipping costs & hassle, we’ve seen such orders usually involving multiple (3-10) bottles per order.

Q: Can QZQ® BOOST be used only for when there’s a higher-than-usual risk of getting sick (like during flu season, or when I’m with little kids)?

The experience of QZQ® BOOST users shows that best results for steady maintenance of healthy immune response come from every day intake of two (2) capsules. Users report that good protection in high-risk settings comes from temporarily increasing intake to three (3) or even to four (4) capsules daily. It’s recommended to spread the increased daily dose over the course of each day.

Q: Can QZQ® BOOST be started when I’m already sick?

Yes. To boost your immune response against such illness, the Study protocol recommends doubling the usual intake to four (4) capsules a day until symptoms improve, but not for more than seven (7) days. Even if not fully recovered after seven (7) days, reduce the daily capsule number to three (3) for several days and then return to and maintain two (2) capsules daily. It’s recommended to spread the higher doses over the course of each day; for example, with two capsules in the morning and two in the evening. (If symptoms worsen or persist undiminished for several days, consult your physician.)